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About the Lost Tribe MC

Welcome to the Website of the Lost Tribe MC, you can find us online playing GTA-V and on Social Club. 

The club was founded January 26 2014 , we are looking for members who are active online and want to join a MC.

You will start out as a Prospect in our Prospect Chapter, we have some basic rules you need to know as a Prospect.


First of all , you must be on Social Club and your account must be linked to prevent crew killing. The prospect Chapter must be your active crew, you need to be active online and play with the patched members also have a mic to make communication possible (this is a must)



  • Be active online in the crew

  • Be loyal & committed to the club

  • Ride with fellow members

  • You own and ride one of these bikes  " Western Daemon/ LCC Hexer/ Western Bagger "






2. You are not allowed to be in two mc crews at the same time.


3. Respect your brothers and friends


4. Always wear your patch when playing with this crew


5. Be active online with the club


6. When in a public lobby you are expected to  wear a leather jacket and use a Chopper (NO sports bikes) 

You are expected to wear your patch and proper MC clothing (Leather Jacket/Jeans preferred)

at ALL times unless told otherwise.


7. If a group or individual attacks any member, the whole club shall stand behind him and fight if necessary.if the member is aggressive and purposely starts an argument, the rest of the members will step between before trouble starts.


8. No member will take the attitude that he doesn't have to help other members and other members don't have to help him


9. No member will go against anything the club has voted for and passed.

No member will get together on their own and plan something for themselves on club rides. It will be brought up to the whole club and the whole club will participate in anything that is decided upon.


10. No bitching in parties. we are here to have fun.



About crew killing:  accidents happen but if you continue to kill crew members after you are warned you 

will be kicked and banned from the crew!




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© 2014 by Lost Tribe MC

For the Lost Tribe MC on GTA-V 

we are not a real MC we are gamers who play online GTA-V


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